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Ordinary, Simple, Love Joking Around (eventhough, it's not funny) :D

Thursday, November 05, 2009

7 things that I just got and realize

hello everyone! sorry for so long time I just dont open my blog dan mengurusinya. alesan pertama karna kemaren gue ulangan dan lalu, dengan kejamnya nyokap gue nyabut internet dirumah so, gue males buka blog dari warnet, hehe. ya jadinya baru buka sekarang deh gue huaha. ok, back to the topic.

the first thing that i just got is autism friends.
they are agatha, indras, anggara, amira, rara, pandu, ayu, yudha, michelle, bina :D

the second thing is I just realize that my heart is empty and i dont know why -_- (sorry, i know it's hurting you).

third, my TES SUB SUMATIF is really really-menyesakkan dada-(haha). tau gak, remedialnya kaya monyeeet. remedial per-indikator. dan Kimianya kayak anjing mati kelindes mobil tau gak. karena, gue salah baca bab. salah belajar, actually. benar-benar menyesakkan dada -_-

Fourth, I was spending my weekend with TNI. yg harusnya dateng ke antic, tapi malah jadinya dikerjain tentara. it made me very very tired. I just slept 2 hours on weekend, can you imagine that? (celiah, z). terus pas malemnya, ada jurit malem. ya walaupun setannya gak nyeremin tapi, tetep aja gua lari ngibrit pas ngeliat setannya haha. mungkin karna kaget (ngeles), huehe.

fifth, I just know a really really cool site (haha padahal udah lama kayaknya ini website) just click it :D gue chatting dengan beberapa strangers. dan hasilnya gue ngakak parah. very excited! try to visit it, please!

sixth, I just got a new band in my school (this is not really important, I know) and I'm the vocalist -_-

and the last, I saw my friend's handphone fell down into-got-haha bener-bener gak penting. tapi ini bikin gua ngakak seharian :))

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